Deutsch leer Dansk leer

a little village approx. 40 houses,


If you drive Allinge from Klemensker direction,
so you come by Olsker automatically,
a little village approx. 40 houses,
in which most were built directly at the street.
Sct. Ols Kirke is Bornholm and smallest Rundkirke lie on the highest point in Olsker
Of the church fürt a little way to Olsker.
This way was which ones the old secondary road past went behind the church to the Rønnevej.

Olsker is a village - where the residents stick together.
In good and in bad times,
a quiet place,
where nature is all right,
many have a small break here,
to then follow your way again.

 Melstedgård  Almindingen  Brændesgårdshaven

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