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The big tropical glass house consists of a variety of sounds, smells and colours produced by flowers, plants, birds and especially by more than 1000 large and bright coloured butterflies that fly around freely.

Lakes, cataracts and big plants provide the guests of the Butterfly Park an experience of being inbetween the nature. In the impressing park the guests witness the butterflies' fantastic change from egg to caterpillar and chrysalis and finally the last change into a richly coloured butterfly.

Parrots and other vividly coloured birds freely fly around the exotic plants.

The nature park runs ecologically without use of any form of chemicals.

Apart from exciting experiences, you also have the possibility to relax at a comfortable café or discover the Danish butterflies in the surrounded garden.

 Kræmmerhuset Blomsterhaven  Brændesgårdshaven  Aspesgårdsskoven

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